Towards the Interpersonal: Higher Education and the Dramatic Works of Gabriel Marcel


Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


This thesis looks to consider relationships, and specifically supervisory relationships, in the context of Higher Education through the dramatic and philosophical works of French existentialist Gabriel Marcel. The thesis begins by looking to the current context of Higher Education, drawing out notions of objectification and systematisation that may hamper educational relationships. The relevance of supervisory relationships is outlined as a key lens to better understand how the insights of Gabriel Marcel may be particularly useful in bridging the gap between traditionally understood relationships and the possibility of interpersonal understanding.

From here, the case is made that a philosophical methodology is most appropriate to explore a reconceptualisation of how relationships are understood. The direct philosophical writings of Marcel are then used in conjunction with his dramatic works of The Funeral Pyre, Ariadne and A Man of God to outline key concepts of ‘availability', 'avec' and 'creative fidelity'. These are used to argue for the educational potential of interpersonal understanding and the notion of interpersonal relationships as inherently educational.

In the final part, these concepts are directly placed in the context of supervisory relationships and contrasted with more traditional approaches to supervision. The case is made that a Marcellian approach to the interpersonal offers a richer and more educationally holistic one that that which is traditionally understood and practiced.
Date of Award29 May 2024
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Edge Hill University
SupervisorAMANDA FULFORD (Director of Studies) & DAMIEN SHORTT (Supervisor)


  • Interpersonal
  • philosophy of education
  • relationships
  • Gabriel Marcel
  • drama
  • availability
  • avec
  • creative fidelity

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