What does the UK Police National Database tell us about the future of police intelligence?


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Developments in technology are transforming society, which creates more opportunities for offenders. The challenge for the police is to identify criminal patterns from an offender’s electronic traces, to provide actionable intelligence. However, these traces are held by diverse police forces and are rarely connected. In 2011, to overcome this challenge, the Police National Database (PND) was launched to provide a national intelligence overview from local data. This study examines the database, using a mixed methods approach. Descriptive and inferential analyses highlight that different forces use the PND, and its various capabilities, with different levels of frequency. Interviews with PND users also identified the following themes: specific examples, perceived strengths, perceived deficiencies, and future considerations. Implications for policing practice are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-14
JournalPolicing (Oxford)
Early online date2 Sept 2022
Publication statusPublished - 2 Sept 2022


  • Police National Database
  • police
  • intelligence
  • information sharing
  • technology


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