Web Pal & It Should Have Been Me

Billy Cowan

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    This new collection of contemporary monologues has been developed through consultation with young people. They offer a range of authentic voices and relevant issues to stimulate discussion and participatory drama work. A Friend Request by Kate Collins Act Now! Monologue Competition Winner Joshua can be whoever he wants in an online world. Father s Footsteps by Mary Cooper Everything has changed since Nathan s son was born. But is his past still ruling his future? Web Pal by Billy Cowan Zoe has met someone special on Facebook. Will he turn out to be the same as his profile pic? A Change for the Better by Anne Neville Ian liked his last school. He doesn't understand why things had to change. It Should Have Been Me by Billy Cowan When faced with unrequited love, will Sophie take revenge on the object of her affection? Cheers by Ged McKenna Ben has finally found the courage to speak up, but not everyone is thanking him.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAct Now: Monologues for Young People
    EditorsBilly Cowan
    Place of PublicationPortsmouth
    PublisherPlaydead Press Ltd
    Number of pages58
    ISBN (Print)978-1910067116
    Publication statusPublished - 7 Apr 2014


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