Visualising Belongingness to the Urban Space: Locals and Migrants in Toxteth, Liverpool

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition

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    This exhibition is about the physical environment and everyday life in Toxteth. It aims to enhance our understanding of the way urban dwellers, both locals (L) and migrants (M),experience belongingness to urban space, and the effect that aesthetics have on this dynamic. The exhibition as a whole celebrates the particularity of Toxteth as a locality, its key features in terms of human-spatial relations, and some of its distinct landmarks. The photos, quotes and captions derive from a British Academy funded project titled Bringing the aesthetics in: migrants’ relationship with urban space in Toxteth. Fieldwork for this project took place in 2015 (June-November) and generated a substantial amount of visual material in the form of photos taken by both participants and the research team. The exhibition was prepared as part of Festival 31 and Refugee Week (June-July 2016) in Liverpool, with a focus on diversity and refugees in the city.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2016
    EventVisualising Belongingness to the Urban Space: Locals and Migrants in Toxteth, Liverpool - The Black E, Liverpool, United Kingdom
    Duration: 15 Jun 201615 Jul 2016


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