Virtual learning environment (‘Ivy Street’) for palliative medicine education: student and facilitator evaluation


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Aim: The study aimed to evaluate student and facilitator perceptions regarding the novel use of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in the development and implementation of ‘Ivy Street’. Methods: Healthcare professionals enrolled on the first palliative and end of life care masters level module and course facilitators were invited to participate in the study. Two online surveys were developed comprising five open-ended questions to gain both student (n=16) and facilitator (n=4) perceptions of Ivy Street. Data were analysed thematically. Findings: The key theme to emerge was the ‘Positive Perceptions of Ivy Street’. A second sub theme ‘Critical Feedback of Ivy Street’ focused on some initial technical issues. Respondents perceived the use of Ivy Street to be enjoyable, enabling and promoting peer discussion, whilst also having a high impact on student engagement. Respondents commented how ‘Ivy Street’ removed concerns regarding confidentiality when discussing patient cases through utilisation of standardised Ivy Street characters. Conclusion: The novel use of a VLE through developing characters, a story, and vignettes, is considered to be an effective and engaging method of learning for healthcare professionals enrolled on a palliative and end of life care module.
Original languageEnglish
JournalBMJ Supportive & Palliative Care
Early online date27 May 2020
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 27 May 2020


  • e-learning
  • education
  • virtual learning environment
  • VLE
  • palliative


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