"Vanished twin": An exploration of women's experiences

Lesley Briscoe*, Clare Street

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (journal)peer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Evidence suggests that in identified twin pregnancies 30 percent become a "vanished twin," that is, when two gestation sacs are identified at early ultrasound but subsequently only one fetus is seen. This study explored the thoughts, feelings, and hospital experiences of women who have a vanished twin. Method: The study was conducted in a large teaching hospital in northwest England from April to June 2001. The experiences of 9 women were explored through 4 focus groups and an individual interview. Nulliparous and multiparous groups were separated for homogeneity. The study's philosophical approach was based on constructivism, and the thematic analysis used a feminist interpretation to search for patterns of meanings from the women's words. Results: The women wanted to be cared for in a humanistic manner, and they felt that acknowledgement of the vanished twin by the professional was important. The findings highlighted the need for better information giving to improve communication between caregivers and women. Multiparas were more prepared than nulliparas to ask for the attention that they wanted. Conclusions: Despite the small number of study participants, results suggest that maternity caregivers should be sensitive to the feelings and individual nature of a woman who has experienced a vanished twin. Humanistic approaches to communication and improved methods of information based on the development of an information sheet are advised.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)47-53
Number of pages7
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2003


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