Using ICT to Support Reflective Learning and Personal Development Planning within a Blended Learning Environment

Sefton Bloxham, Andrea Cerevkova, Richard Parrish

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (journal)peer-review


This paper describes the development and implementation of a first year undergraduate law module which has been re-designed to enable the embedding of Personal Development Planning (PDP) within the curriculum and which has been delivered through a combination of both face-to-face classroom and online activities using a virtual learning environment (VLE). The institutional background consists of two main elements. Firstly, recent policy changes now require that PDP for first year undergraduates is assessed either as an independent module or by being embedded within the existing curriculum. Secondly, both institutional and departmental policies promote the use of the VLE a WebCT platform - for the delivery of all modules as part of a broader strategy to support more flexible, student-centred, learning. The paper will identify the pedagogic rationale for the approach adopted and demonstrate how the use of the VLE has enabled tutors to create an integrated framework for the delivery of skills training, the provision of learning resources, online formative and summative assessment tasks, interactive discussion forums for learning support, an administrative structure for tracking and supporting student progress and for students to compile a record of their achievement. Finally, the paper will present a provisional evaluation, drawing on student feedback, tutor evaluation and evidence of student performance.
Original languageEnglish
JournalProceedings of 21st BILETA Conference
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2006


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