Understanding the influence of guilt, loss and self-awareness on gambling behaviour

Anna Bussu, Claudio Detotto, Peter Leadbetter

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The study has two aims. Firstly, to examine the impact of specific emotional factors on gambling expenditures and, secondly, to examine the impact of these emotional factors on problematic gambling behaviours (controlling for socioeconomic determinants). Findings are based on a survey of 1196 gamblers in Sardinia, Italy. Using a bivariate probit approach, findings indicate that emotions associated with positive events (win) are related to the amount of money allocated for gambling (gambling expenditure). Findings also indicate the influence of negative emotional factors (experiencing disappointment, guilt and frustration) in gambling loss is related to self-awareness of problematic gambling. Furthermore, feelings of euphoria, anxiety and excitement during the gambling event is also related to selfawareness of problematic gambling. Analysis provides support for the notion that gambling behaviour is strongly associated with both positive and negative emotions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)223-236
JournalEconomics Bulletin
Issue number1
Early online date2 Feb 2019
Publication statusPublished - 2 Feb 2019


  • gambling
  • emotional factors
  • guilt
  • loss and self-awareness


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