Understanding online self-directed learning using point of care information systems (POCIS): A plot study using a capability approach perspective

Da Zhang*, Li Xiao, Xinxin Chang, Jingqi Duan, Kieran Walsh, JOHN SANDARS, JEREMY BROWN, Xiaorong Dang, Wei Shen, Junjie Du, Yanjie Cao

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Purpose of the study
Understanding self-directed learning (SDL) when using point of care information systems (POCIS) can inform educational providers of the usefulness of the system for CME. Sen’s capability approach can offer a unique perspective to understand SDL since it considers individual needs, the extent to which a learner can meet these needs, and the factors that enable and constrain this process. The aim of the study was to pilot the use of a questionnaire informed by the capability approach for understanding SDL when using POCIS in the context of CME.

A semi-structured questionnaire aligned to the capability approach (Capability Approach for SDL with POCIS Questionnaire - CA-SPQ) in the context of CME was developed and validated with 200 users of a POCIS (BMJ Best Practice).

The response rate was 92 percent. There was high content, face and construct validity, with data obtained across the main constructs of the capability approach.

The findings suggest that the CA-SPQ can offer a practical instrument to provide data and useful information for understanding SDL when using POCIS in the context of CME, but also that it has the potential for adaptation to other areas of medical education.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1413-1419
Number of pages7
JournalMedical Teacher
Issue number12
Early online date2 Aug 2022
Publication statusPublished - 2 Dec 2022


  • Decision-making
  • information handling
  • medical education research
  • continuing
  • e-learning
  • computers


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