Understanding Behaviour 14 +

Vicky Duckworth, Karen Flanagan, Karen McCormack, Jonathan Tummons

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Dealing with challenging behaviour is a fundamental concern of all trainee teachers and even more so for those who are training to work with pupils' age 14+, whether within a secondary school context or post-compulsory college context. This book will equip the practitioner with the skills required to implement change within problematic relationships and environments, and to explore a range of possible reasons as to `why students behave in the way they do'. Understanding Behaviour 14+ challenges existing paradigms in order to break down barriers; substituting and encouraging professional responsibility for promoting positive relationships rather than the passive acceptance of unwanted behaviours, or a reliance on a culture of `blame'. Key features of the book include: • A brief and effective solution-focused approach • Challenging existing paradigms • Consideration of the process of reflection and evaluation • Effective approaches to providing an inclusive classroom This essentially moves away from thinking about difficult or `bad' students and towards thinking about difficult relationships or environments. This process of change allows the practitioner to reflect in a far more constructive and objective manner, also allowing the practitioner to acknowledge their own feelings in this process.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMaidenhead
PublisherOpen University Press
Number of pages160
ISBN (Print)9780335237890
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2012


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