Time at V02max during intermittent treadmill running: Test protocol dependent or methodological artefact?

A.W. Midgley, L.R. McNaughton, S. Carroll

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33 Citations (Scopus)


Effects of methodological differences on the determination of time at VO (2max) (t (VO2max)) during intermittent treadmill running were investigated. Subjects performed three incremental tests to volitional exhaustion: a continuous protocol with 1-min stages (Cont-INC ([1-min])), and two discontinuous protocols of 2-min (Dis-INC ([2-min])) and 3-min (Dis-INC ([3-min])) stage durations. For each test, VO (2max) and the running velocity associated with V.O (2max) (vVO (2max)) were determined. On a fourth visit, subjects performed an intermittent test with 30-s work and relief intervals run at 105 % and 60 %, respectively, of the vV. (2max) determined during Cont-INC ((1-min)). The t (VO2max) during the intermittent test was determined using three different criteria: VO (2) data points > or = 100 % VO (2max) determined in Cont-INC ((1-min)) (t (VO2max[100 %])), > or = 95 % VO (2max) (t (VO2max[95 %])) and > or = VO (2max) minus 2.1 ml . kg (-1) . min (-1) (t (VO2max[- 2.1])). The V.O (2max) means (SD) for Cont-INC ((1-min)), Dis-INC ((2-min)) and Dis-INC ((3-min)) were 4093 (538), 4096 (516), and 3980 (488) mL . min (-1), respectively. The t (VO2max) means (SD) were: t (VO2max(100 %)) 163 (227) s, t (VO2max(95 %)) 418 (439) s, and t (VO2max(- 2.1)) 358 (395) s. All differences in t (V.O2max) were significantly different (p < 0.05). Differences in t (VO2max) due to using V.O (2max) values derived from using different V.O (2) time-averages were significantly different (p < 0.05). Methodological differences should be considered during interpretation of previous studies.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)934-9
JournalInternational Journal of Sports Medicine
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2007


  • running


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