title = "The novel Next Step test is a reliable measure of anticipatory postural adjustments made by children with cerebral palsy prior to taking a step ",
abstract = "BackgroundChildren with cerebral palsy (CP) make smaller medio-lateral anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs) than typically developing peers when stepping forward to a medial target. They are also less accurate at reaching the stepping target.The Next Step test involves the biomechanical measurement of APAs and foot placement error. These may be useful outcome measures to evaluate dynamic balance in a clinical trial. The reliability of the measures must be assessed to establish their reliability as research tools.Research questionWhat is the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability of stepping accuracy and measures of APAs made by children prior to taking a step?MethodsTypically developing (TD n=14) or children with CP (n=16) were recruited from local clinics. Children stepped to electro-luminescent targets placed medially and laterally to each foot. Stepping responses were measured using a force plate and 3D motion analysis of markers placed on the feet and pelvis. The APA was defined as the movement of the centre of pressure (COP) and the centre of mass (COM) estimated via pelvic markers, prior to lifting the lead leg. Stepping accuracy was defined as the absolute distance between the target and end foot position. Participants undertook two data collection sessions separated by at least one week. In session one, the test was measured by rater 1 who repeated this in session two, along with another data collection by a rater 2 or rater 3, after a rest period. Where data were normally distributed, they were assessed for inter-rater and intra-rater reliability using an intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland-Altman plots. The standard error of measurement was calculated to determine the minimum difference needed to detect true change. ResultsThere was no between-group differences in group characteristics (age, weight, height) or in stepping velocity. We found good to excellent reliability when measuring the amplitude and velocity of medio-lateral APAs (ICC range 0.73-0.89). The reliability of antero-posterior APAs was more variable (ICC range 0.08-0.92). The minimum difference to detect a true change for peak medio-lateral motion of COP ranges from 23.7mm to 29.6 mm and for peak velocity of medio-lateral COM estimate 41mm to 61.9 mm. Stepping accuracy was not normally distributed. SignificanceThe Next Step test is a reliable measure of dynamic balance. The peak medio-lateral motion of the COP and medio-lateral velocity of the COM estimate are reliable when measured during a constrained stepping task in ambulant children with cerebral palsy. ",
keywords = "Dynamic balance, Measurement, Cerebral Palsy, Reliability, Anticipatory postural adjustments, Next Step test",
author = "Rachel Rapson and Jos Latour and BERNIE CARTER and Vasiliki Pitsouni and Jonathan Marsden",
year = "2023",
month = sep,
day = "1",
language = "English",
volume = "105",
pages = "110--116",
journal = "Gait & posture",
issn = "0966-6362",
publisher = "Elsevier B.V.",