title = "The Impact of Migration Bans on Female Nepalese Citizens",
abstract = "This policy brief draws on a research project entitled, Departure Avenues: the politics of anti-trafficking and emigration control in Nepal. In particular, some contents of the report are extracted from the Author{\textquoteright}s forthcoming article entitled, Entrapment processes in Emigration Regime: The Presence of Migration Bans and the Absence of Bilateral Labor Agreements in Domestic Work in Nepal due publication in Theoretical Inquiries in Law Journal. Parts of this brief have already been published in journals like Political Geography, and online platforms like Beyond Trafficking and Slavery, and will soon be published in the form of articles and book chapters. This brief has been written with the support of the TraffLab research project (www.trafflab.org) and has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union{\textquoteright}s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 756672). The dissemination of the brief has been supported by the Research Investment Fund of Edge Hill University, UK.",
keywords = "Migration Ban, Domestic Work, policy",
year = "2022",
month = jun,
language = "English",
publisher = "Centre for the Study of Labour and Mobility",
type = "Other",