The Feasibility and Acceptability of an Online CPD Programme to Enhance PE Teachers’ Knowledge of Muscular Fitness Activity

Ashley Cox*, Robert J. Noonan, Stuart J. Fairclough

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Schools provide an opportunity to enhance muscular fitness of English youth during physical education (PE). Continued professional development (CPD) among teachers may improve muscular fitness activity delivery in schools. This study sought to assess the feasibility and acceptability of an online CPD programme to enhance PE teachers’ knowledge of muscular fitness activity. Methods: Co-production of an online CPD platform was undertaken with five secondary school PE teachers. A quasi-experimental pre-post control group design for the CPD was adopted (CPD group n = 76, control n = 32). Upon CPD completion feedback was solicited for qualitative analysis. Results: Pre-and-post CPD knowledge quiz data were available from 65 participants (55.4% male). The median knowledge quiz change score was significantly higher in the CPD group than in the wait list control group (CPD score vs. control score; U =37, z = −5.96, p < 0.01). Three primary themes reflecting factors associated with the acceptability and feasibility were (1) practical application, (2) support and resources, and (3) knowledge and confidence. Conclusions: Co-production of an online CPD programme can improve knowledge and affect practice. PE teachers that completed the CPD reported the online platform was beneficial to overcoming the limitations of face-to-face CPD such as time and financial constraints and suggested the content covered was beneficial and appropriate to their teaching. Future work is required to establish links between teachers’ learning following CPD, the translation into PE practice and student MF outcomes.
Original languageEnglish
Article number12132
Pages (from-to)1-15
JournalInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Issue number19
Early online date25 Sept 2022
Publication statusPublished - 25 Sept 2022


  • adolescents
  • continued professional development
  • muscular fitness
  • physical activity
  • physical education


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