Tackling Physical Inactivity: Enablers for Implementing a Whole Systems Approach.

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


Introduction: Within the United Kingdom, physical inactivity remains a substantial public health concern. Despite various national and regional interventions, physical inactivity has increased, suggesting that efforts of the last decade may not have been wholly effective. This may be because interventions have failed to address the complexity of socio-cultural and environmental factors. Recognising this gap, multi-component whole systems approaches (WSA) to tackling physical inactivity have emerged. One such initiative ‘Together an Active Future (TaAF)’ attempts to reduce levels of physical inactivity by involving all systems and promoting a greater focus on place-based approaches. Recent research has highlighted a gap within the literature regarding the key enablers to implementation of WSA’s that aim to reduce physical inactivity. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the key enablers for the successful implementation of whole systems approaches to reducing levels of physical inactivity. Methods: The qualitative study employed an Interpretative Descriptive approach (Thorne, 2008) to explore stakeholder perspectives. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 31 participants from diverse systems, including employees from local authority, leisure trusts, community and faith organisations, the National Health Service, local government and schools. Participants were recruited if they had been involved in efforts to reduce inactivity across East Lancashire and had worked collaboratively with the TaAF initiative. Thematic analysis was used to identify key themes. Results: Five themes emerged as enablers of successful WSA implementation: (1) Relationship building, highlighting the importance of establishing trust and collaboration; (2) Passionate individuals, emphasising the role of enthusiastic individuals; (3) Supportive leadership, offering capacity to develop new partnerships; (4) Shared goals, the need for a collective vision; and (5) Active networks, enabling resource sharing and knowledge exchange. Conclusion: The study provides important insights into the enablers of WSA’s tackling physical inactivity. These insights can guide future place-based physical activity initiatives, improving national strategies to reducing physical inactivity.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 16 Oct 2024
EventInternational Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress (10th) - France, Paris, France
Duration: 28 Oct 202431 Oct 2024
Conference number: 10


ConferenceInternational Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress (10th)
Abbreviated titleISPAH
Internet address


  • Obesity
  • Physical Activity
  • Health
  • Systems


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