Survey of members of myeloma UK on biphosphonates-associated jaw osteonecrosis

K. Barker, D. Lowe, A. Olujohungbe, E. Low, S. Rogers

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (journal)peer-review

    9 Citations (Scopus)


    Bisphosphonate jaw necrosis (BON) is defined as exposed, avascular, non-healing bone in either the mandible or maxilla in association with current or previous i.v. or oral bisphosphonate therapy (Marx et al, 2005). The onset of BON has been linked to trauma, such as dental extractions, but it can also occur spontaneously. The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 2006) estimated the incidence of necrosis related to i.v. bisphosphonates to be 0Æ8–12%. The management of BON tends to be symptomatic relief, and cure is difficult to achieve, hence the onus is on prevention (Barker & Rogers, 2006).
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)626-628
    JournalBritish Journal of Haematology
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2007


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