Strangers in the night: speeddating, CCI and service businesses

Steve Baron, Anthony Patterson, Kim Harris, Julia Hodgson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (journal)peer-review

26 Citations (Scopus)


Organisations are increasingly realising the importance of customer-to-customer interactions (CCI). From theme parks and shopping malls, to hairdressing and health clubs, interactions between customers are recognised as a key aspect of the service experience. This research examines CCI in the context of the speeddating phenomena, a unique setting in which conversations between strangers are at the very core of the service exchange. Three elements emerge from an in-depth qualitative study to provide new insights for managers who wish to influence CCI and give some structure to future research in the area: planning, roles and performances, and cooperation versus competition.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)211-232
JournalService Business
Issue number3
Early online date5 May 2007
Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2007


  • Customer-to-customer interactions
  • Speeddating
  • Service businesses
  • Consumer experience
  • Servicescapes


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