Social inclusion, enculturation, and student debt: a narrative approach

A. McCulloch, K. Grime, R. Ralley, L. Sumner

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Studying student finance is important because transition through the HE experience is tied up with economic transition. In particular: (1) We need to identify the things that affect successful participation Widening participation captures the idea of getting a lot of people into HE, but doesn’t fully address how we can be sure that individuals are enabled to benefit from HE. In particular, there is a need for more research into students’ financial well-being during the HE transition. (2) Social justice is tied up with economic justice Widening participation is about “considerations of economic and social justice” (DfES, 2004, 5:1). The government’s aim is not just that many people should come into HE, but that they should exit equipped to participate in modern society. Participating in the social and cultural life of the community means being equipped to deal with transition into economic life. (3) Understanding transition into adulthood Understanding individual transition into all aspects of adulthood involves exploring the lived experience of those in transition. We want students in HE in order that their aspirations and success in life will be enhanced. Money provides a framework in which we measure our lives and view the world; aspiration, work ethic, values, sense of ‘equity’, success and life satisfaction, are all related to our money values (e.g. Tang, 1992).
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2006
EventAimHigher North West Conference - Manchester, United Kingdom
Duration: 4 Jul 2006 → …


ConferenceAimHigher North West Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Period4/07/06 → …


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