Shaping the future for primary care education and training project. Best practise in education and training strategies for integrated health and social care: a benchmarking tool

Michelle Howarth, Karen Holland, NR Hardiker

Research output: Book/ReportBook


This tool has been designed to encourage the systematic evaluation of current services offered in your organisation in relation to education and training. The aim of the benchmarking process is to enable your organisation to judge its ability in six domains: team working, communication, role awareness, personal and professional development, practice development and leadership and team working. Associated with each domain are a set of key questions you should ask about your services in relation to evidencebased ‘best practice’. ‘Best’ practice has been identified and summarised through a systematic review of the literature and through consultation with services users and professionals.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
PublisherPrimary Care Education & Training Project
Publication statusPublished - 2006

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