Self-Regulated Learning Microanalysis For The Study Of The Performance Of Clinical Examinations By Physiotherapy Students

Raquel Medina-Ramirez, David Alamo-Arce, Felipe Rodriguez-Castro, Dario Cecilio-Fernandes, JOHN SANDARS, Manuel J Costa

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    Students require feedback on their self-regulated learning (SRL) processes to improve the performance of clinical examinations. The key SRL processes used by students can be identified by SRL-micro-analysis but this method has not been previously applied to physiotherapy students. The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the potential usefulness of SRL-microanalysis for the identification of key SRL processes used by physiotherapy students during the performance of a clinical examination skill. The objectives of the pilot study were: 1) to evaluate whether SRL-microanalysis could identify differences in the use of key SRL processes between successful and unsuccessful students; 2) to evaluate the reliability of SRL microanalysis ratings produced by different assessors.
    SRL-microanalysis was used with second year physiotherapy students of a Spanish university (n= 26) as they performed a goniometric task. The task required students to obtain a goniometric measurement of the shoulder joint of a peer. Two assessors evaluated student performance and conducted the SRL- microanalysis with all students. An analysis of inter-rater reliability was performed to evaluate the degree of agreement between assessors.
    The SRL-microanalysis revealed differences in the use of key SRL processes between successful (n= 15: 57.0%) and unsuccessful performers (n= 11: 43.0%): The differences were particularly evident in strategic planning and self-monitoring skills. There was good inter-rater reliability for scoring of strategic planning (k=0.792), self-monitoring (k=0.946) and self-evaluation (k=0.846).
    The use of SRL microanalysis characterized the key SRL processes of physiotherapy students performing a clinical skill with reliability between the assessors. This pilot study supports the potential usefulness of SRL-microanalysis for the identification of key SRL processes in physiotherapy education. Therefore, this study paves the way to the development of a full study, with a larger number of students and more diverse clinical tasks, to evaluate the SRL processes in successful and unsuccessful students.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalBMC Medical Education
    Early online date22 Jul 2020
    Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 22 Jul 2020


    • Self-regulated learning
    • physical therapy techniques
    • clinical skills
    • assessment process
    • health student


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