Screening for aspiration risk associated with dysphagia in acute stroke (diagnostic test accuracy protocol)

Elizabeth Boaden, Dawn Doran, Jane Burnell, Andrew Clegg, Paola Dey, Margaret Hurley, Anne Alexandrov, Elizabeth McInnes, Caroline Watkins

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    This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Diagnostic test accuracy). The objectives are as follows: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of bedside screening tools for detecting dysphagia, which is a predictor of aspiration, in people with acute stroke. To assess the influence of the following potential sources of heterogeneity. • Patient demographics (e.g. age, gender, % of males in study, median age of study by gender). • The time post-stroke that the study was conducted (from admission to 48 hours) to ensure only hyperacute and acute stroke dysphagia screening tools are identified. • Any significant change in the patient’s condition between the index and reference tests being performed. • The definition of dysphagia used by the study. • Level of training of nursing staff, both grade and training in the screening tool. • Low quality studies identified from the methodological quality checklist. • i) Type of the index test and ii) the threshold of the index test • Type of the reference test
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-11
    JournalCochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
    Early online date9 Jun 2017
    Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 9 Jun 2017


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