Reproducibility of measurement techniques used for creatine kinase, interleukin-6 and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein determination over a 48 h period in males and females

Bryna Chrismas, Lee Taylor, Alexander Smith, Philip Pemberton, Jason Charles Siegler, Adrian Midgley

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To examine the reproducibility of three measurement techniques used to determine creatine kinase, interleukin-6 and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, 50 participants had blood samples taken on two occasions. Fingertip plasma samples were analysed using the Reflotron for CK determination. Venous blood samples collected into serum separator tubes were used for IL-6 and hs-CRP analyses. IL-6 was measured using an enzyme linked immune assay development kit. The hs-CRP was measured by an in-house ELISA method. Dependent t-tests showed no systematic bias between samples. The interdian CV was 20.0% for CK, 15.3% for IL-6 and 44.2% for hs-CRP. The intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.90 for CK, 0.98 for IL-6 and 0.70 for hs-CRP. The 95% limits of agreement were −69.7 to 63.5 IU/L for CK, −1.48 to 1.80 pg/ml for IL-6 and −1.10 to 0.91 μg/L for hs-CRP. The results demonstrate low absolute reproducibility, which may obscure a true experimental effect.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-9
JournalMeasurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science
Early online date13 Dec 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 13 Dec 2017


  • Exercise induced muscle damage
  • reliability
  • biomarkers
  • cytokines
  • inflammation


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