Pulsar Searches with the SKA

Lina Levin, ROBERT LYON, Wes Armour, Carlo Baffa, Ewan Barr, Sally Cooper, Ralph Eatough, Andrew Ensor, Elisabetta Giani, Aris Karastergiou, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Michael Keith, Michael Kramer, Michael Mackintosh, M Mickaliger, Robert van Nieuwpoort, Michael Pearson, Thiagaraj Prabu, Jayanta Roy, Oliver SinnenLaura Spitler, Hanno Spreeuw, Benjamin Stappers, Willem van Straten , Christopher Williams, Haomiao Wang, Karsten Wiesner

Research output: Contribution to journalConference proceeding article (ISSN)peer-review

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The Square Kilometre Array will be an amazing instrument for pulsar astronomy. While the full SKA will be sensitive enough to detect all pulsars in the Galaxy visible from Earth, already with SKA1, pulsar searches will discover enough pulsars to increase the currently known population by a factor of four, no doubt including a range of amazing unknown sources. Real time processing is needed to deal with the 60 PB of pulsar search data collected per day, using a signal processing pipeline required to perform more than 10 POps. Here we present the suggested design of the pulsar search engine for the SKA and discuss challenges and solutions to the pulsar search venture.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)171-174
Number of pages4
JournalProceedings of the International Astronomical Union
Issue numberS337
Early online date4 Jun 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 4 Jun 2018


  • (stars:) pulsars: general
  • methods: data analysis
  • telescopes


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