Psychosocial impacts of engaging in Second Life for individuals with physical disabilities

Camilla Kleban, Linda Kaye

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The psychological experiences associated with engagement in virtual worlds have been well documentedin the existing literature. The current study aimed to explore the motivations, experiences and psycho-social impacts of engaging in the virtual world ‘‘Second Life’’. This aimed to extend previous findingsby specifically exploring the phenomenological experiences within a sample of individuals with physicaldisabilities. This was achieved by conducting in-world interviews with five participants, comprising arange of physical disabilities. Through thematic analysis of the interviews transcripts, a number ofthemes were identified. Quality of life, self-esteem and recreational therapy were identified as positivepsychological outcomes of engagement in Second Life. These were found to occur through a number ofprocesses such as self-discovery, relaxation, and perception of in-world equality. Further, the socialand environmental opportunities emerged as key motivations for engagement in Second Life. These find-ings extend the current literature by providing evidence for the way in which Second Life provides impor-tant leisure opportunities for individuals with physical disabilities, and the way in which theseexperiences are associated with positive psychological outcomes. The implications of these findings high-light the clinical relevance of such platforms for this particular population of individuals
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)59-68
JournalComputers in Human Behavior
Early online date18 Dec 2014
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 18 Dec 2014


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