Provision of professional doctorates in English HE institutions

Robin Melloe-Bourne, CAROL ROBINSON, Janet Metcalfe

Research output: Book/ReportProject report

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HEFCE commissioned new research into the provision of professional doctorate (PD) programmes. The key objective was to depict the current landscape of PD provision by English higher education institutions (HEIs). More specific aims were to: Examine existing PD provision and understand models used in PD programme delivery to contribute to the development of a more robust typology; Consider HEIs’ strategies for PD provision and how this might change in future amidst an evolving postgraduate research context; Explore the skills and attributes that PD programmes seek to develop in response to employers’ and professional demands, and how these are delivered; Explore the impacts of PD programmes on graduates, their employers and professions, and provider institutions.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages83
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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