Promoting and Supporting Good Governance in the European Football Agents Industry: EU Funded Research Study

RICHARD PARRISH, ANDREA CATTANEO, John Lindholm, Jurgen Mittag, Carmen Perez-Gonzalez, Vanja Smokvina

Research output: Book/ReportProject report


The project, ‘Promoting and Supporting Good Governance in the European Football Agents Industry’ received financial support from the EU’s Erasmus+ Programme (Collaborative Partnerships). The project commenced in January 2018 and concluded in December 2019. The purpose of this Final Report is to present findings regarding the operation of the 2015 FIFA Regulations on Working with Intermediaries (RWWI), particularly in relation to the implementation of the regulations at National Association level across the territory of the EU. In this regard, this Final Report presents a comprehensive picture of how intermediary regulations have historically developed and how the 2015 RWWI have operated across the territory of the EU, encompassing 31 National Associations. Our study supports key private stakeholders and public policymakers by providing evidence based options and recommendations in terms of future regulatory initiatives in the sector informed by principles of good governance. The content of this Report has been informed by primary research undertaken by the research team, a national expert questionnaire, a stakeholder survey and discussions held in a series of stakeholder workshops held throughout Europe, known as Multiple Sports Events – MSEs.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEuropean Commission
Commissioning bodyEuropean Commission
Number of pages140
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2019


  • Football Agents


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