Promoting a Strategic Approach to EU Sport Diplomacy

RICHARD PARRISH, Antoine Duval, Silvija Mitevska, Carmen Perez Gonzalez, Vanja Smokvina, Albrecht Sonntag, Thierry Zintz, ANDREA CATTANEO

Research output: Book/ReportProject reportpeer-review

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The aim of our project was to undertake primary research and stage a series of Multiplier Sport Events (MSE) to provide evidence on the efficacy of sport as a diplomatic tool within the context of the EU's external relations. During our six MSEs, we invited a wide range of actors to share their thoughts and experiences on the practice of sport diplomacy. In this study, we claim that now is the time for the EU to act more strategically in this field and adopt an EU Sport Diplomacy Strategy.
Original languageEnglish
Commissioning bodyEuropean Commission
Number of pages145
Publication statusPublished - 17 Dec 2021


  • Sport Diplomacy


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