Practice as Research: two related site-specific sound performances: Memories Unearthed; Korrigan's Lair and Journal Article: Music, Space and Theatre: Site-specific approaches to multichannel spatialisation

Karen Lauke, Helen Newall (Other)

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


    Memories Unearthed and Korrigan's Lair are site-specific works utilising conventional electroacoustic diffusion techniques (setups of 8 and 16 channel speaker configurations) in previously unexplored ways (outdoor performances, above and underground, floating on, and underwater). Concepts and final works were created in consultation with Salford City Council (Memories Unearthed) and Wired-West (Korrigan's Lair), and were installed and diffused live at Clifton Country Park, Manchester (2009, 2010) and Picton Castle, South Wales (2010, 2011); funders: Salford City Council; Edge Hill University. Developing prior research by Lauke, (‘Music, Space and Theatre: Site-specific approaches to multichannel spatialisation’, Organised Sound 15.3, 2010: 251-259;, the compositions explored the implications of unconventional diffusion system layouts in non-traditional performance spaces significant for heritage and social identity, having multiple uncontrollable factors (eg.acoustics, passing traffic, audience interaction, water movement). The compositions develop and interrogate sonic interventions generated as the 'composer as performer' responds in situ to the environment and also the public.
    Original languageEnglish
    Media of outputOther
    Publication statusPublished - 2010
    EventMemories Unearthed / Korrigan's Lair - , United Kingdom
    Duration: 1 Jan 201031 Dec 2011


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