Place, Power and Impact. The Value of the Graduate Practitioner within the ECEC Workforce.

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


The assumption that all early years graduates wish to progress onto a career in teaching is a common misconception within ECEC. Research within the field has demonstrated how a quality early years workforce has considerable impact for children’s outcomes; with the definition of quality being affiliated with the presence of a graduate. The place of the early years graduate practitioner in England is currently at odds with national and international viewpoints. This highlights the disconnect within political discourse of the power of the graduate practitioner versus the incentivisation to increase the ECEC graduate workforce.

This symposium will draw on contemporary and seminal research as well as government documentation to review the current context giving reflection to historical perspectives.


Conference Annual Conference for Research in Education (ACRE): Transitions and Transformations: Educational Research in Rapidly Changing Contexts
Abbreviated titleACRE
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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