Patient satisfaction offers an insight to better care

M. Guerin, V. Beattie, I. Ryland, V. Lynch, J. Earis, C. Warburton

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


Patient satisfaction and understanding is an essential factor in the psychological well being of individuals with, or suspected of having, lung cancer. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of patients attending the Rapid Access Lung Clinic at University Hospital Aintree, Liverpool. A telephone survey of 47 patients was conducted using a structured questionnaire scored on a scale of 1 to 5. Seven main themes were identified: referral to hospital form primary care; patient involving in management (empowerment); information regarding treatment; written information; care during treatment; delays in service, and care from specialist team. Supplementary questions bases on each theme were also completed on specific aspects of the service. High satisfaction scoring (87%) was recorded in 5 of the 7 main themes. Referral to hospital from primary care and delays in overall service showed a reduced high satisfaction score of 66% and 70% respectively. The supplementary questions offered additional insight to promote greater patient satisfaction. Despite rapid access for diagnosis and treatment patients identified potential delays in the service and in some cases the need for greater information regarding treatment options to enable patient empowerment. This survey highlights the important role and skills possessed by a lung cancer specialist team in promoting support, guidance, and information to patients with, in most cases, a terminal disease.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2001
EventEuropean Respiratory Society Annual Conference - Berlin, Germany
Duration: 22 Sept 200126 Sept 2001


ConferenceEuropean Respiratory Society Annual Conference


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