Pathways to Veganism Report 1

Research output: Book/ReportProject reportpeer-review

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This research project aimed to gain insights into how non-vegans perceive and understand veganism and vegans. Adopting a mixed methods approach, the research involved a questionnaire, household interviews and focus groups.

The project aimed to deepen understanding of barriers preventing transition to veganism, with a focus on vegan eating practice. A key objective for the research was therefore to gain insights into how non-vegans perceive vegans and messages about veganism. Whilst there are examples of social science research which have worked with vegan participants to explore personal narratives of transition and media and communications research that examines the production and reception of messages about veganism and animal products there is a lack of research into omnivorous and vegetarian eating practices and how these relate to an understanding of vegan practices and representations. Despite heightened visibility and increases in actual practitioners, veganism remains a minority practice in the face of a still highly dominant omnivorous norm.
The research questions that inform this project are:
•How do a sample of omnivores and vegetarians understand and represent veganism?
•How do a sample of omnivores and vegetarians imagine what a vegan transition would entail?
•Which messages are effective in the promotion of veganism to a sample of omnivores and vegetarians
The report offers a series of recommendations arising from the project findings. This research was funded by The Vegan Society.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEdge Hill University
Number of pages141
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2019


  • veganism
  • vegan


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