Of gods, monsters, and men: Science, faith, the law, and the contested body and mind in The Frankenstein Chronicles and The Alienist

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The Frankenstein Chronicles (2015- ) and The Alienist (2018- ) belong to an expanding group of stylish nineteenth century-set Gothic mystery/crime dramas that variously combine history, fiction, and fantasy. They share common themes connected to class, social change, morality, morality, and gender, especially masculine crisis, but also a particular fascination with the body and the mind. Both are characterised by graphic scenes of violence, death, and disturbingly vivid depictions of human cadavers, alongside exploration and interrogation of troubled minds and tortured souls. Significantly, they are set against a backdrop of social reform and changing attitudes towards scientific progress and innovations in medical practice, The Frankenstein Chronicles during the first half of the century, and The Alienist during its final years. But progress and the pre-eminence of science are frequently problematised as those in pursuit of radical advancement are often morally ambiguous and prone to corruption. This chapter explores the resulting tensions between science, faith, politicians, and agents of the law. Furthermore, it engages with the series’ preoccupation with the nature of monstrosity, and morbid spectacles of human vulnerability. It will argue that the body and mind are pivotal in the struggle between competing forces and that both are consistently contested and conflicted.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDiagnosing History
Subtitle of host publicationMedicine in Television Period Drama
EditorsKatherine Byrne, Julie Anne Taddeo, James Leggott
Place of PublicationManchester
PublisherManchester University Press
Number of pages15
ISBN (Print)978-1-5261-6328-8
Publication statusPublished - 22 Mar 2022


  • Science
  • faith
  • medicine
  • progress
  • experimentation
  • body
  • mind
  • gender
  • murder
  • monstrosity


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