Nature inspired self organization for adhoc grids

T. Abdullah, A. Anjum, N. Bessis, S. Sotiriadis, K. Bertels

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceeding (ISBN)peer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and other similar nature inspired mechanisms like artificial neural networks, swarm intelligence and evolutionary algorithms are based on naturally existing Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS). Human immune system, sand dune ripples, and ant foraging are some examples of the naturally existing CAS. Participating agents in these systems interact according to simple local rules which result in complex behavior and self-organization at system level. Adhoc grids are dynamic in nature and participating nodes show intermittent and volatile participation. Resource availability fluctuates over time inadhoc grids and results in a new adhoc grid state. These changes require adoption of the adhoc grid to anew state by applying some self organizing mechanism. In this paper, we present nature-inspired (ACO), micro-economic based mechanisms for infrastructure level self-organization in adhoc grids. These mechanisms help in achieving a scalable, dynamic and a self-organizing adhoc grid infrastructure. These mechanisms are evaluated with varying workloads in different network conditions. Study of these mechanisms helped in understanding the effect of ACO based self-organization mechanism on the infrastructural spectrum, ranging from completely centralized to fully decentralized.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Title of host publicationProceedings - International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA
Publication statusPublished - 28 Mar 2013
EventIEEE 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA) - Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 25 Mar 201328 Mar 2013


WorkshopIEEE 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA)

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