Moving Horizons: Space as Material Within 3-D CGI Animation

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    This paper represents an investigation into the study of ‘space’ as material within the production of 3-D CGI and outlines the practical work developed as a part of a broader research where the aim is to challenge and debate dominant spatial contingencies relating to the field of animation. The aspiration for the research is to develop alternative approaches to the creation and presentation of 3-D CG animation, with specific reference to space as fundamental to its remit.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    Event18th Avanca 2014 Film Festival: International Meeting of Cinema, TV, Video and Multimedia - Avanca, Portugal
    Duration: 18 Jul 201427 Jul 2014


    Conference18th Avanca 2014 Film Festival: International Meeting of Cinema, TV, Video and Multimedia


    • 3-D CGI
    • Animation
    • Material
    • Space
    • Experimental film


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