Motivation, self-regulation, and writing achievement on a university foundation programme: A programme evaluation study

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This programme evaluation study examined the changes in writing motivation, self-regulation and integrated writing task scores of international students over the course of a pre-sessional course on English for academic purposes (EAP). In addition, the study also investigated the relationship between writing task motivation, self-regulation, and essay scores at the beginning and end of the course. A quasi-experimental pretest–posttest design was utilized. Participants’ (n = 64) motivation and self-regulation were assessed at the beginning and the end of the month-long course using self-report questionnaires. Furthermore, participants completed an integrated writing task in the first and final weeks of the course. Descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests showed motivation and self-regulatory strategy use to remain stable over time, except for self-efficacy measures which increased significantly. In addition, scores on the integrated writing task increased significantly. Spearman’s rank correlation analysis confirmed the strong inter-relationship between self-efficacy and self-regulation. At the end of the course, mastery goals, performance-approach goals, and utility value were found to be significantly correlated to essay scores. Further results and implications for foundation course developers will be covered in the article.
Original languageEnglish
JournalLanguage Teaching Research
Early online date5 May 2020
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 5 May 2020


  • achievement goals
  • EAP
  • foundation courses
  • L2 writing
  • motivation
  • self-regulation
  • self-efficacy


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