Modernising the Minimum Data Set (MDS) for Specialist Palliative Care Services in the United Kingdom using an action research approach

B. Jack, C. Littlewood, A. Eve, D. Murphy, J. Ellershaw

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


    Background: The Minimum Data Set (MDS) for specialist palliative care services was developed in �995 to provide annual data on palliative care services in the UK. The development of payment by results and health resource groups together with identified limitations of the current MDS including missing data, the potential for double counting and a 68% return rate, resulted in a current collaborative project to revise and update the MDS. Method: An action research approach was utilised for the study as it is a group activity that focuses on the partnership between researchers and participants, all of who are involved in the change process (Waterman et al 200�). A purposive sampling approach was used to invite key stakeholders including the multidisciplinary specialist palliative care services involved in the completion of the MDS from across England and Wales (Polit and Beck 2006). �8 respondents attended � workshops, where each section of the MDS were discussed and revised. Revised sections were then returned to the participants for review and comments. Results: There was a consensus that the MDS did not completely reflect the current patient workload, the extent of services provided or the development of integrated palliative care services. Additionally with the development of regional Cancer Network Groups (CNG) some data was more appropriately collected regionally by the CNG. Conclusion: An action research approach enabled a national consultation process to be completed effectively. The involvement of a wide sample of stakeholders ensured the revisions were made based upon a national consensus of opinion and met the changing provision of specialist palliative care services. Further information regarding the action research process, the changes made to the MDS and the second stage of the action research cycle piloting the revised MDS will be presented
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    EventRoyal College of Nursing (RCN) International Nursing Research Conference - Dundee, United Kingdom
    Duration: 1 May 20074 May 2007


    ConferenceRoyal College of Nursing (RCN) International Nursing Research Conference
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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