Milk Drops: Practice Based Presentation

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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    My research as a researcher, artist and film maker is currently focused on questions and doubts around what can be considered analogue film and particularly around understanding what can be considered as film emulsion and how such an understanding in turn relates to an understanding of what is film and what gets considered as film. My practice as a result looks to explore materials and their potential to reframe film as a field of possibility and discovery through the raw and malleable nature of such materials.

    The images that I’ve included are of a piece called ‘Film Drops’ where I’ve been looking at using milk as an emulsion.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2018
    EventCCVA Hors-conference in collaboration with Café Chercher: Cinema and Contemporary Visual Art Hors-conference - University of Amsterdam (UvA), Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Duration: 30 Jun 201830 Jun 2018


    ConferenceCCVA Hors-conference in collaboration with Café Chercher
    Internet address


    • Experimental Film
    • Analogue Film
    • experimental animation
    • Rethinking Film


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    • Milk Drops 1

      SNAZELL, J., Nov 2018

      Research output: Non-textual formExhibition

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