Meta-scheduling issues in interoperable HPCs, grids and clouds

N. Bessis, S. Sotiriadis, F. Xhafa, F. Pop, V. Cristea

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (journal)peer-review

32 Citations (Scopus)


Over the last years, interoperability among resources has been emerged as one of the most challenging research topics. However, the commonality of the complexity of the architectures (e.g., heterogeneity) and the targets that each computational paradigm – including HPC, grids and clouds – aims to achieve (e.g., flexibility) remain the same. This is to efficiently orchestrate resources in a distributed computing fashion by bridging the gap among local and remote participants. Initially, this is closely related with the scheduling concept which is one of the most important issues for designing a cooperative resource management system, especially in large scale settings such as in grids and clouds. Within this context, meta-scheduling offers additional functionalities in the area of interoperable resource management, this is because of its great agility to handle sudden variations and dynamic situations in user demands. Accordingly, the case of inter-infrastructures, including InterCloud, entitle that the decentralised meta-scheduling scheme overcome issues like consolidated administration management, bottleneck and local information exposition. In this work, we detail the fundamental issues for developing an effective interoperable meta-scheduler for e-infrastructures in general and InterCloud in particular. Finally, we describe a simulation and experimental configuration based on real grid workload traces to demonstrate the interoperable setting as well as provide experimental results as part of a strategic plan for integrating future meta-schedulers.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)153-72
JournalInternational Journal of Web and Grid Services
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 6 Aug 2012


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