Meta-Reflexivity and Teacher Professionalism: Facilitating Multiparadigmatic Teacher Education to Achieve a Future-Proof Profession

Colin Cramer, Chris Brown, David Aldridge

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The present work discusses the relevance of meta-reflexivity, both for the professionalization of the teaching profession and for teacher education. Meta-reflexivity is based on the multiparadigmatic system of teacher education, which finds itself grounded in diverse scientific disciplines. The approach takes uncertainty as an essential element characterizing the act of teaching. Inherent rationales of specific theories and empirical findings are made explicit, thus creating a referential framework for situation-specific interpretations and professional action. Based on a theoretical reconstruction, we propose meta-reflexivity as an essential element of pedagogic practice and, consequently, teacher professionalism. Such professionalism is characterized by teachers being able to undertake exemplary-typifying interpretations of situations, based on a deep understanding of multiple approaches. While assessing specific situations in school, a teacher can refer to these interpretations. Possible principles of a meta-reflexive teacher education are proposed that can potentially enrich the practice of teacher education for a future-proof profession.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)002248712311622
Number of pages1
JournalJournal of Teacher Education
Early online date2 Apr 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2 Apr 2023


  • Education
  • professionalism
  • teacher beliefs
  • meta-reflexivity
  • reflection
  • teacher research
  • philosophy
  • professional development


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