title = "Mentoring trainee music teachers: beyond apprenticeship or reflection",
abstract = "This article explores the theoretical concepts of {\textquoteleft}apprenticeship{\textquoteright} and {\textquoteleft}reflection{\textquoteright} in Initial Teacher Education music mentoring. It presents two case studies of Secondary music mentoring and relates these to the theoretical concepts. The article argues that a more integrated view of music mentoring might be provided with reference to Kolb{\textquoteright}s (1984) theory of experiential learning.",
keywords = "Mentoring, teacher education",
author = "Tim Cain",
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year = "2007",
doi = "10.1017/S0265051707007589",
language = "English",
volume = "24",
pages = "281--294",
journal = "British Journal of Music Education",
issn = "0265-0517",
publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
number = "3",