Medea/Mothers’ Clothes (revisited)

    Research output: Non-textual formPerformance


    Medea/Mothers’ Clothes (revisited) was performed in Studio 12, Bratislava, Slovakia (February 2016). The performance was first performed in 2004 at the Bluecoat in Liverpool. Artist interview and review of the Studio 12 performance were published in KOD (konkretne o divadle) Slovak theatre journal, 10.4 (2016) and Tanecni Zona 20.02 (2016) Czech dance journal. Medea/Mothers’ Clothes was also performed at Arts Centre at Edge Hill university as a part of Festival of Ideas, Identity in June 2017.

    Medea/Mothers’ Clothes was developed in 2004 as a response to social and cultural constrictions that I felt were placed onto me as a mother and a ‘Foreigner’ (Croatian, resident in Britain). It is through this particular piece that I found expression through a new aesthetic form of live art, which felt suitable for accommodating my early experiences of motherhood, my life with two young children and a sense of displacement I felt as a foreigner in the UK.

    The piece was revisited in 2016 and 2017 and it's accompanied by a reflective and critical piece of writing 'Returning to Ourselves: Medea/Mothers' Clothes and Patience one decade on' (co-authored with Emily Underwood-Lee) in Maternal Structures in Art: Intergenerational Discussions on Motherhood and Creative Work book edited by Elena Marchevska; Valerie Walkerdine. Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2019.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 26 Feb 2016
    EventMedea/Mothers' Clothes (revisited) : as a part of Medea/Mothers’ Clothes and 6 Notebooks for 6 Women for 6 Years in Bratislava double bill of performances - Studio 12, Bratislava, Slovakia
    Duration: 26 Feb 201626 Feb 2017


    • live art
    • motherhood


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