Measuring physical activity behaviours and outcomes in children and adults

Stuart J. Fairclough, Robert J. Noonan, Whitney B. Curry

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Physical activity and its relationship to health is one of the great issues of our age. The causes of, and solutions to, physical inactivity are complex and multi-dimensional, and therefore the subject needs to be studied and understood from a variety of perspectives. This is the first textbook to provide a truly multi-disciplinary introduction to physical activity studies.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPhysical Activity
Subtitle of host publicationA Multi-disciplinary Introduction
Number of pages29
ISBN (Print)9781138696624
Publication statusPublished - 18 Oct 2018

Publication series

NamePhysical Activity


  • Physical Activity
  • Measurement


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