Measuring Human Development in the MENA Region

Mehmet Pinar, T. Stengos, M.E. Yazgan

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We aim to assess welfare improvements in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region using the Human Development Index (HDI). We obtain weighting schemes that yield the best- and worst-case scenarios for measured human development, relying on consistent tests for stochastic dominance efficiency (SDE), with the official equally weighted HDI taken as a benchmark. In the best-case scenario index, life expectancy and GDP indexes receive the highest weights for the 1975–2005 period, while the education index is the dominant contributor to the worst-case scenario in the same period. In addition, we observe a relative change in the best- and worst-case scenarios between two fifteen-year periods. The GDP index is the main contributor to the best-case scenario between 1975 and 1990, whereas the education index is the main contributor to the worst-case scenario during that period. Life expectancy is the main contributor to the best-case scenario in the 1990–2005 period, while the GDP and education indexes are the primary contributors to the worst-case scenario during that period.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1179-1192
JournalEmerging Markets Finance and Trade
Issue number6
Early online date12 Oct 2015
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 12 Oct 2015


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