Martial ART

Alex Jukes, Nigel Mairs (Producer), Andrew Sugden (Producer)

    Research output: Non-textual formPerformance


    An action-based Judo/animation performance where Judo provides the axis for a live animation event, an exchange between live movement and a representation of that movement in animated form. ‘the most important exchange is … the exchange between movement and image’ Through his passion for Judo Yves Klein discusses two aspects that he considers important in the generation of his work, 1) equilibrium and dis-equilibrium and 2) the realisation of monochromatic abstraction that exists beyond the frame of the painting (Cheetham, 2014, Art Journal, pp. 94-109). As concepts these ideas can be examined as an exchange within the realm of animation; the concept of performance and relationships with the frame; the importance of the colour and the control of colour; the notion of balance and the analysis of movement, each one with the ability to inform the other. Also, and perhaps crucially (as highlighted by Klein) it is often how as creative practitioners we might resolve to confront or break these ideas, to explore and move beyond accepted boundaries, allowing one aspect to dissolve or mutate in order to affect another.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 1 Oct 2016
    EventMartial ART - Tate Gallery, Liverpool, United Kingdom
    Duration: 26 Nov 2016 → …


    • Judo
    • Animation
    • Process
    • Yves KleinMartial ART


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