Making Sense of 'Food' Animals: A Critical Exploration of the Persistence of 'Meat'


    Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review

    10 Citations (Scopus)


    This book addresses the persistence of meat consumption and the use of animals as food in spite of significant challenges to their environmental and ethical legitimacy. Drawing on Foucault’s regime of power/knowledge/pleasure, and theorizations of the gaze, it identifies what contributes to the persistent edibility of ‘food’ animals even, and particularly, as this edibility is increasingly critiqued. Beginning with the question of how animals, and their bodies, are variously mapped by humans according to their use value, it gradually unpacks the roots of our domination of ‘food’ animals – a domination distinguished by the literal embodiment of the ‘other’. The logics of this embodied domination are approached in three inter-related parts that explore, respectively, how knowledge, sensory and emotional associations, and visibility work together to render animal’s bodies as edible flesh. The book concludes by exploring how to more effectively challenge the ‘entitled gaze’ that maintains ‘food’ animals as persistently edible.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationSingapore
    PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
    Number of pages356
    ISBN (Electronic)9789811395857
    ISBN (Print)9789811395840
    Publication statusPublished - 4 Sept 2019


    • Critical Animal Studies
    • Foucault
    • Ethical consumption
    • Emotions
    • Visibility
    • The gaze
    • Power
    • Posthuman
    • Meat consumption
    • ethico-aesthetics
    • Animals
    • Social practices
    • Critical posthumanism
    • Consumption
    • Critical animal studies
    • Senses
    • Meat
    • Ethico-aesthetics


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