Making a home in the private rented sector: Practical advice for landlords and letting agents

Kim McKee*, Steve Rolfe, JULIE FEATHER, Tom Simcock, Jennifer Hoolachan

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Book/ReportOther (book/report)

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The growth of the private-rental sector (PRS) over the last two decades has led to significant questions over its ability to provide a homely environment for tenants. Much of the research in this area argues that legal frameworks, lack of regulation and financial motives of landlords are not conducive to the provision of homes which are secure, affordable, good quality and which offer tenants an opportunity to meet their health and wellbeing needs. However, recent legislative changes across the UK devolved nations – most notably in Scotland – are shifting the PRS towards greater professionalisation meaning landlords and letting agents are being held to higher account and there is increasing pressure for improvement for tenants. This guide provides practical guidance for landlords and letting agents, based on findings from an evidence review of research concerning home within the PRS across OECD countries (see linked report). Landlords and letting agents can play a positive role in helping their tenants create a home, and thereby sustain their tenancy - this guide offers practical pointers to help with this process.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationStirling
Commissioning bodySafeDeposits Scotland Charitable Trust.
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jan 2021


  • Private rented sector


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