MacGregor's Island and other Stories

Irma Brandeis, George Talbot (Editor), Marco Sonzogni (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Irma Brandeis (1905–90) published a handful of poems and short stories in New York literary magazines over a couple of decades, more specifically between 1925 and 1943. After that she published no more poetry or fiction, though she continued to work on the latter, well into her old age, turning her attention instead to literary translation, academic review, and an important book on Dante. She also wrote extensive diaries, or Journals as she herself termed them, none of which have been published in English. This volume brings together all of her surviving fiction, drawing on the unpublished typescripts of her later stories, kindly made available to the editors by her friend Jean T. Cook to whom they were given shortly before the author’s death. The combined labours of Professor George Talbot and Dr Marco Sonzogni have ensured readers have the opportunity to add to their understanding of her poetry and fiction through this new volume.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMarket Harborough
Number of pages300
ISBN (Print)9781780883809
Publication statusPublished - 2013

Publication series

NameItalian Studies


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