title = "Literature-informed, one-turn action research: three cases and a commentary",
abstract = "Although action research is a common feature of courses of initial teacher training, the evidence as to its efficacy, in encouraging reflection among trainees, is mixed. This article discusses cases of action research assignments carried out by three trainees into their own practice in relation to (a) behaviour management, (b) monitoring and assessing, and (c) pupil-centred education. The assignments are analysed using Bloom et al{\textquoteright}s. (1964) typology of thinking skills, Handal & Lauvas{\textquoteright}s (1987) model of reflective practice, and typologies of action research by Noffke (1997) and Rearick and Feldman (1999). They are positioned as cases of {\textquoteleft}literature-informed, one-turn{\textquoteright} action research; a concept which is discussed in relation to other concepts of action research.",
keywords = "Action research, teacher education, teacher preparation",
author = "Tim Cain and Melanie Holmes and Alison Larrett and Joanna Mattock",
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year = "2007",
doi = "10.1080/01411920601104532",
language = "English",
volume = "33",
pages = "91--106",
journal = "British Educational Research Journal",
issn = "0141-1926",
publisher = "Taylor & Francis",
number = "1",