Listening to Preferred and Loud Music Enhances Taekwondo Physical Performances in Adolescent Athletes

Ibrahim Ouergui, Eya Jebabli, Slaheddine Delleli, Hamdi Messaoudi, Craig Alan Bridge, Hamdi Chtourou, Emerson Franchini, Christopher Garrett Ballmann, Luca Paolo Ardigò

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In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of warm-up music preference and loudness on physical performance, perceived exertion (RPE), and enjoyment in young taekwondo athletes. In a crossover counterbalanced design, 20 taekwondo athletes (10 male, 10 female) performed a battery of physical tasks specific to taekwondo under the following five conditions: (a) No music (NM), (b) Preferred music-Soft (60 dB; PMS), (c) Preferred music-Loud (80 dB; PML), (d) Non-preferred music-Soft (60 dB; NPMS), and (e) Non-preferred music-Loud (80 dB; NPML). On each lab visit, participants completed a taekwondo-specific agility test (TSAT), a10-second kick test (KSKT-10s) and a multiple frequency speed of kick tests (FSKT) within each music condition. Pre-exercise enjoyment was assessed using the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) after the warm-up, while we obtained RPE scores after each test. The PML condition resulted in significantly better agility test times on the TSAT compared to PMS (p < .001), and NPML (p < .001). Furthermore, PML led to a greater number of total kicks during the FSKT-10s test compared to the PMS (p < .001), and NPML (p < .001) conditions. The decrement index on the FSKT was lower in PML than in PMS and NPML conditions (p < .001). For RPE, values were significantly lower with preferred than non-preferred music (p < .001). These findings lend support to ergogenic benefits of listening to PML prior to taekwondo physical tasks, with important implications for enhancing taekwondo training and performance.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPerceptual and Motor Skills
Early online date24 May 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 24 May 2023


  • Combat sports
  • ergogenic aid
  • preference
  • warm-up


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