Leonora Carrington: Living Legacies

AILSA COX (Editor), JAMES HEWISON (Editor), MICHELLE MAN (Editor), ROGER SHANNON (Editor), CLAIRE DEAN, MICHELLE MAN, JAMES HEWISON, Gee Felicity, Catriona McAra, Alessia ZInnari, Alicia Kent, Tara Plunkett, Andrea Gremels, Jon Lee, Gabriel Carrington Weisz, Penny Sharman, Julia Salmeron

    Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


    The English born artist and writer Leonora Carrington (1917–2011) has received much critical acclaim and achieved stellar status in Mexico, where she lived and worked for most of her life, having fled Europe via Spain in tormenting circumstances. Leonora Carrington: Living Legacies brings together a collection of chapters that constitute a range of artistic, scholarly and creative responses to the realm of Carrington emphasizing how her work becomes a medium, a milieu, and a provocation for new thinking, being and imagining in the world. The diversity of contributions from scholars, early career researchers, and artists, include unpublished papers, interviews, creative provocations, and writing from practice-led interventions. Collectively they explore, question, and enable new ways of thinking with Carrington’s legacy.Wishing to expand on recent important scholarly publications by established Carrington researchers, which have brought historical and international significance to the artist’s legacy, this volume offers new perspectives on the artist’s relevance in feminist thinking and artistic methodologies. Conscious of Carrington’s reluctance to engage in critical analysis of her artwork we have approached this scholarly task through a lens of give and return that the artist herself musingly articulates in her 1965 mock-manifesto Jezzamathatics: “I was decubing the root of a Hyperbollick Symposium … when the latent metamorphosis blurted the great unexpected shriek into something between a squeak and a smile. IT GAVE, so to speak, in order to return” (in Aberth, 2010:149). In adopting her playful conjecture, this publication seeks to bring Carrington and her work to further prominence.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherVernon Press
    Number of pages244
    ISBN (Print)978-1-62273-745-1
    Publication statusPublished - 6 Dec 2019


    • Leonora Carrington
    • Posthumanism
    • Down Below
    • The Hearing Trumpet
    • intertextuality
    • Surrealism
    • Feminism
    • choreography

    Research Groups

    • Fiction Writer's Network


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